The announcement came this week that Excelon would be "retiring" the Byron plant in September of next year and the Dresden plan in Morris in November of 2021.
The Winnebago County Republican party headquarters building was vandalized Saturday overnight with the words "rape" and "shame" spray painted all across the building.
I have an image in my head of the continent of Australia. Beautiful land, interesting and welcoming people, fascinating animals, and man-eating sharks surrounding it all. I've always been amazed at the "I don't worry about it" attitude of your average Aussie when it comes to the perils of the sea...
I was just reading Scot's post on air-conditioned shirts (if you haven't seen it, click here). Scot points out that he's not a hot-weather-loving kinda guy. He doesn't mind cold temps, when he can add a layer or two, but really dislikes the steamy, muggy stuff...
As a mustachioed man myself, I know first-hand what kind of reactions you can get when you decide to surprise your family by shaving off the whiskers they've grown so accustomed to seeing.
I've had a mustache for nearly 35 years, but when my kids were small, they pointed out that they had never seen what I look like without it...