illinois policy

Illinois Policy's Kristina Rasmussen Breaks Down Springfield's Grand Bargain
Illinois Policy's Kristina Rasmussen Breaks Down Springfield's Grand Bargain
Illinois Policy's Kristina Rasmussen Breaks Down Springfield's Grand Bargain
As an Illinois taxpayer, maybe you're aware of something being worked on in Springfield called "The Grand Bargain." As Illinois Policy's Kristina Rasmussen explained to us today on the WROK Morning Show, given the host of financial problems our state has--it's not grand, and it certainly not a bargain for taxpayers.
John Tillman Defends Himself From Quinn Campaign's 'Racist' Charge [AUDIO]
John Tillman Defends Himself From Quinn Campaign's 'Racist' Charge [AUDIO]
John Tillman Defends Himself From Quinn Campaign's 'Racist' Charge [AUDIO]
The campaign for governor in Illinois has been expected to be one of the roughest, toughest, most expensive races in the country this year. And so far it hasn't disappointed. However, the mud-slinging hit a frequent guest with "Riley & Scot" last week, as Illinois Policy Institute CEO John Tillman was labeled a racist by the Quinn campaign for comment about the minimum wage from 2011