It's like a modern wasteland. There's one Illinois place that was just ranked as the 4th most abandoned in America where more than 1 out of every 4 buildings is vacant.
If you consider yourself someone who enjoys the nightlife, you no doubt want to adventure into the cities in Illinois that never sleep. However, there are 10 that you really should avoid entering as they become extra dangerous after dark.
I will admit this is a very odd topic to bring up right after a massive heat wave, but it's not my fault. Blame Farmer's Almanac who claims they can predict the first Fall frost for every place in Illinois. I'm limiting them to just 20 major places.
A woman lost her life from a gunshot wound in June in an East St. Louis, Illinois street and the suspect who is alleged to be responsible for the crime was on the run. However, US Marshals have now captured the Illinois man who allegedly is her killer.
I fully realize that I'm not giving you new information when I saw that East St. Louis, Illinois is often not a very safe place. But, what the Illinois State Police just shared about what they found in just 3 nights might just take your breath away.
There is so much history in this East St. Louis, Illinois theater, but the building itself is all but gone now. What used to be one of the most special buildings in the St. Louis area is now almost completely in ruin.
There are a lot of ways to measure crime in Illinois. You can focus on violent crime and/or property crime. But, if you're looking purely at the crime index, there are 10 Illinois places worse than the rest and remarkably none of them are Chicago.
Every city and town has its good qualities and bad ones. But, is it possible for a place to get everything wrong? A new study says there are 5 places in Illinois that pulled off this infamous feat and you should never ever consider moving there or you'll regret it.
If you're a truck driver, you know that you face the dangers of the road. But, you also know that when and where you stop can be vital to your health also. That's why a new list showing truck stops across America that drivers say are 'too dangerous' is a must-read and 3 of those stops are indeed in Illinois.