
Rockford Could Learn a Thing or Two From Bruges, Belgium
Rockford Could Learn a Thing or Two From Bruges, Belgium
Rockford Could Learn a Thing or Two From Bruges, Belgium
Rockford and the city of Bruges (pronounced "Brooj"), Belgium have something in common. Both our cities love beer. Both our cities also have in-town brewers who make incredibly good beer. However, Bruges has made an interesting move to get the beer from the local brewers to every tap in town. They've installed a "beer pipeline."
Is Illinois One of the Best, or Worst States for Having Babies?
Is Illinois One of the Best, or Worst States for Having Babies?
Is Illinois One of the Best, or Worst States for Having Babies?
Our friend Lori, who sat in for Joe Dredge on the WROK Morning Show while Joe was off on a medical leave, is pregnant. If you were to ask her, she'd probably say "Very pregnant." Lori and her husband Ryan will welcome their baby girl in just a couple of months. Lori's child will be born here in Illinois, as were my two, and it's likely that yours were, too. But, could we have picked a be
Google Plans Drone Delivery by 2017
Google Plans Drone Delivery by 2017
Google Plans Drone Delivery by 2017
Amazon made news by being the first to publicly contemplate delivering packages via drone, but based on Monday's announcement by Google, Amazon may not be the first to implement the idea. Google is hoping to be "up and running" with commercial delivery by 2017...