It's no secret that when Californians decide to flee the Golden State, many are choosing Illinois as a destination. Those that are leaving the west coast need to be aware that starting a new life in Illinois may not be what they're expecting.
In the past year, more than 20,000 California residents made the decision to move to Illinois. Now, because of an issue with water, there could be even more beginning in 2024.
I was born and raised in Missouri, but lived in California for awhile around 30 years ago so I have background in both states. Even having lived there for a bit, I was absolutely shocked when I saw the population difference between Missouri and just the Los Angeles area. You might be, too.
I don't understand people's fear of Californians, but there's a genuine by some to be where they aren't. If that's you, you might want to consider a fast relocation to Iowa since that's where most Californians aren't.
I will admit that I'm in the minority on this one, but I find it encouraging that so many California residents are choosing to leave the state and move to Illinois. New data shows the numbers fleeing Cali for the Land of Lincoln are massive.