Size Does Matter: How Illinois Compares Size-Wise with the World
We feature studies and surveys that compare our state of Illinois with the 49 other states in the union quite frequently. We've recently learned that our state is one of the toughest states for taxpayers, one of the best states to be a police officer, in the middle when it comes to entertainment, and one of the worst when it comes to overall happiness of residents.
Today, it's a really cool infographic from storage and moving guide company Sparefoot, who decided to get really visual when it came to comparing Illinois with the rest of the world. They weren't interested in taxes, healthcare, job opportunity, or quality of life. What Sparefoot wanted to show is the literal size of Illinois compared to other places on the globe:
At 57,913 square miles, Illinois is a mid-sized state — in fact it’s precisely in the middle, ranking as the 25th largest US state by area. Surprisingly enough, were Illinois a country, it would also be considered mid-sized, ranking as the 92nd largest country by area, just a tag larger than Bangladesh. However, those stats may not give you a great idea of how Illinois’ girth actually compares to different countries, since size is often better understood visually.
So, the next time you try to tell someone how big Illinois is, you can compare it to these places:
Via SpareFoot
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