AMC Theaters in Springfield, Illinois was just given the thumbs up on selling alcohol. A few people might end up taking a nap while sipping on their drink of choice in a dark room (which happens to me everytime my wife wants to watch a movie) but, nonetheless, selling alcohol inside AMC 14 and AMC 16 isn't a bad idea. Keep the limit to one or two drinks maximum so nobody is getting loaded while checking out a new flick.

Aside from enforcing a drink limit and not allowing free refills, one might consider steering clear of a $9 beer night. Wait, it is the movies we're talking about so a pint a domestic beer might actually cost nine bucks. But, I digress, maybe it would bring in more people to the theaters and not just teens trying to get out of parents' sights so they can make-out for ninety minutes.

Catch JB Love on ‘Q98.5 Mornings with Lil Zim & JB’ on Q98.5 from 5:00 a.m. to 10 a.m. Follow him on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

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