Rockford Population Shrinks. Now We’re #4.
If it seems a little less crowded at the grocery store you may be on to something.
WREX - New data from the US Census Bureau reveals Rockford's population dropped again in 2016, making the city the state's fourth largest now.
We were passed by Aurora awhile ago and now it seems that more people call Joliet home than the Forest City.
Rockford's population dropped to 147,651 last year, down from 148,422 in 2015. Joliet's population rose to 148,262 last year to take the third spot.
Rockford shouldn't get too comfy at #4 though. Naperville is currently sitting at #5 and is only 500 residents behind Rockford.
Having spent a decent amount of time in Rockford, Aurora, Joliet and Naperville I can safely say that I'd much rather live here. Other than the proximity to Chicago those towns are pretty boring non-descript suburbs. I mean they don't even have a Beef-A-Roo. And if you can't get cheddar fries can you even call it a city? I say no.