Rauner: Madigan Unwilling To Negotiate On Any Reforms [AUDIO]
Besides the keen insight and friendly demeanor, there's a side benefit to having State Senator Tim Bivins sit in for Riley when he's out: the ability to land the big guests.
Thanks to Sen. Bivins, we were able to line up an interview with Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner. In the midst of the budget showdown in Springfield, the Governor did not seem overly optimistic about a quick resolution. He told us House Speaker Michael Madigan remains unwilling to negotiate on any of the Governor's reform proposals. Rauner says the Speaker really Republicans to take responsibility for a "big, big, tax hike," but he will not back down from his demands for reform before revenue.
We also talked to the Governor about the vote last week to allow some federal "pass through" spending to take place and the recent departure of a number of manufacturing jobs from the state.
Here's our full interview with the Governor: