In my home, we have officially hit the time of year when my daughters begin asking, "can we go to the zoo today?" Summer break hasn't even begun yet, but when the weather gets warm and sunny they must think it's a perfect time to go hang out with cool animals, and I don't disagree with their thinking.

In short, my family is zoo people, and we're not partial to one zoo over another. Small, big, if they have animals, we love them all, especially Summerfield Zoo in Belvidere.

Some of my girls' favorite things about Summerfield Zoo are the wolves, the zebra, the daily animal education shows they do, and the baby goats you can feed with a bottle. So, when I tell them they could go "work" at the zoo with the baby goats this summer, they are going to LOSE THEIR MINDS.

Who am I kidding? My girls aren't the only ones who would love it,  I would love this volunteer gig too!

More Summer Fun Up For Grabs At Summerfield Zoo

Summerfield Zoo has already kicked off its 2022 season and is open Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sundays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. They will be open Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. beginning May 18, 2022, through August 12, 2022.

Besides getting you up close and personal with a variety of awesome animals, Summerfield Zoo also offers special animal encounter sessions with their resident sloth named Flash. (Book your Flash encounter in advance here). Summerfield Zoo also hosts summer camps for kids 6-12 years old, BUT I just noticed registration is already full for all camp sessions this summer. (My girls are definitely not going to be happy about that).

For more information about Summerfield Zoo, like admission prices and COVID policies, please visit

Babies of Illinois' Summerfield Zoo Are Ready to Meet Your Babies

A trip to the zoo to see the animals is always a highlight to my family's summer. This year, Belvidere's Summerfield Zoo has many baby animals you need to see.

LOOK: 30 fascinating facts about sleep in the animal kingdom

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