What the heck are these blue things growing around Rockford and the Stateline? Anyone?

No one seems to know for sure, but these early spring beauties are popping up all over town over the past few days. They look gorgeous.

Is it because we had a minimally snowy winter that something has changed in the ecosystem, or is it that I have just have never noticed these before. More importantly, what the heck are they? Weeds or flowers?

Among the possibilities:

Spanish bluebells: According to Sfgate, Spanish Bluebells bloom appear in spring and  are bell-shaped, hang off the stem in an arcing pattern and are blue or lavender.

English wood hyacinths (bulbs); Are ephemeral spring bell-like bulbs. they can be white, pink or bluein color and grow in shady areas

Scilla: They are also known as 'blue parasols' and often grow underneath trees and on lawn areas.

I spotted this in my neighbor's yard (where the rest of the grass died)

Mysterious Blue Flowers Popping Up On Northern Illinois Lawns

Enjoy them while you can, as the colors they are displaying, will not last too much longer.

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