Riley & I are huge fans of National Review’s Jim Geraghty, who had great success with his recent book, “The Weed Agency“.

I’ve been reading Jim for most of the decade that he’s been writing at National Review, first at The Kerry Spot and more recently at The Campaign Spot. And both of us don’t consider the morning complete unless we read Jim’s morning newsletter, The Morning Jolt. He’s a fantastic writer with keen insights on political campaigns of all stripes and often offers a humorous take on the day’s events.


Jim joined the show to talk about his brand new book with Cam Edwards, Heavy Lifting: Grow Up, Get a Job, Start a Family, and Other Manly Advice. In it, they explain how taking responsibility, getting married, and having kids are NOT life-sapping burdens but the key to embarking on life’s biggest adventure. I would agree.

Here’s our full conversation:

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