Thanksgiving has to be the best food day of the entire year with so many tasty side dishes to go along with the turkey but the residents of Illinois definitely have their favorite.

Ready Or Not The Holidays Are Coming To Illinois

It's crazy how fast time flies. It seems like summer just ended. Don't blink because New Year's Eve will be here before you know it. I think we're all so busy with life that it doesn't help the situation. Christmas decorations hitting the store shelves before Halloween also speed up the clock.

RELATED: The Cost Of Thanksgiving Dinner In Illinois For 2023

Are You Ready For Thanksgiving In Illinois?

Coming up first is Thanksgiving. It's definitely one of my favorites. Since Illinois is such a foodie state, I believe it's one of the best places to celebrate. Hopefully, by now you have all your plans figured out for the holiday. Especially, if you're hosting.

Planning Your Thanksgiving Feast

When I was a kid, my mom wasn't a big fan of cooking. Since only three of us, we always went out to eat on Thanksgiving. I feel like I really missed out on the whole experience. Luckily, now I get a home-cooked meal. We call it our feast. There's only one problem if you're hosting the event knowing exactly what to serve. There are so many delicious sides to choose from. Of course, everyone has their favorite.

RELATED: Best Thanksgiving Movies

Illinois' Favorite Thanksgiving Side Dish

I wanted to find out what Thanksgiving side dish is the favorite for the residents of Illinois. Of course, I started a social media survey to find out the answer. The result might surprise you. The votes have been counted and here's your winner.


  • I would definitely agree with this choice because I'm a big fan too. What's interesting is that a few different types of dressing were mentioned including Sage and Stove Top.

Honorable Mentions

LOOK: Here Are the 25 Best Thanksgiving movies of all time

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