Let's go back to 1999 through a time machine drive around Rockford and explore what landmarks and locations have vanished by 2025 or enjoy the lifestyle of that era.

A glance through the rearview mirror would show your 25-year-younger self while you drove by Hilander Grocery Stores and The Ponderosa Steak House and stopped at State Street Station for an adult beverage. Let's take a leisurely drive through Rockford as we return to the year 1999.

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Exploring Rockford in 1999 revealed a vibrant mix of cultural activities.

The city of Rockford, Illinois during 1999 blended thriving local culture with Midwest allure while experiencing both growth and nostalgia. Rockford experienced a transitional phase with new developments emerging alongside visible traces of its industrial history. As you drove down State Street you would encounter mom-and-pop shops alongside aging theaters and the distinctive Midwest character of diners and small businesses.

CherryVale Mall served as the primary attraction because it was the central location for both shopping and social gatherings during weekends. The mall achieved prime destination status thanks to its anchor stores Sears, Marshall Field’s and JCPenney. Along Forest Hills Road and East State Street car dealerships stood adjacent to fast-food chains and family-owned restaurants that drew locals who wanted inexpensive meals or a coffee break. A mix of fresh chain restaurants was opening near State Street creating a blend of traditional and modern dining options.

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A variety of iconic structures would greet you as you made your way toward downtown.

The Coronado Performing Arts Center, originally built in the 1920s as an atmospheric theater, would soon receive important renovations to maintain its historic beauty. The Rock River provided a tranquil driving route through the city along its banks while Sinnissippi Park delivered beautiful vistas that became especially popular during the fall leaf season.


Rockford 1999

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Every summer the On the Waterfront Festival occupied downtown spaces and attracted visitors from everywhere to enjoy music and food alongside entertainment options. Rockford experienced industrial changes but preserved its community feel and traditional values. The city exhibited Midwestern hospitality because its residents knew one another personally.

Ummm, can anyone explain why these toys are tethered to an abandoned motel south of Rockford???

Gallery Credit: Danny Willams via Facebook

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