If you've always wanted to experience going to the theater but couldn't afford the tickets, there is a special week in Chicago where you can get discounted prices.

Theater Week In Chicago

I believe there's a misconception when it comes to the theater. Many people think it's some sort of boring play that only snooty people enjoy. If someone mentions going to a musical their immediate answer is no way, I'm not doing that.

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They couldn't be more wrong. Going to the theater is a really great experience. You just have to find the show that fits your taste. The good thing is there are so many different choices out there. You can find a production for everyone.

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I've been lucky to have experienced the theater a few times in my life and I really enjoyed it. Like I said, you just have to find the right show. If you have never been, I highly suggest giving it a try.

stanley theater
Phil Nye/TSM

Unfortunately, there are many people out there who would love to go to the theater for a show but they can't afford it. The tickets can get super pricey, especially for the good seats. That discourages them from liking the industry.

Luckily, there is a way for everyone to check out some of the best shows in Illinois for affordable prices. That's during theater week in Chicago. This year it's happening from February 6th through the 16th.

Choose Chicago

During Chicago Theater Week, there are tickets available for over 100 shows. The tickets range from $15 to $30 and sometimes even cheaper. Take advantage of this special promotion and experience a show.

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Gallery Credit: Aine Givens

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