Illinois might be known for famous tourist attractions and endless cornfields, but it's also known for having some treacherous roads.

Did you freakin' know there are over 300,000 car accidents every year just in Illinois alone?  Whoa, I knew we were pretty bad drivers... but almost half a million accidents?


No matter how good of a driver you think you are, you want nothing to do with these roads in Illinois.  From deadly crashes to heavy traffic, nobody wants to be stuck on these four highways for good reason.

4 Illinois Roads Called Most Dangerous To Travel On In The State

According to theadvocates, these 4 highways have seen the worst of the worst.

#1: Route 55/Stevenson Expressway

Honestly, it's not that hard to drive safe.  Sure, go over the speed limit by a few miles, but don't go crazy.  Be aware of others on the road!

"When motorists aren’t dodging thrown rocks, shootings, and toxic spills, the Stevenson Expressway is a magnet for errant drivers and spectacular car accidents." [theadvocates]

#2: Dan Ryan Expressway

One of my biggest fears is just minding my business on the road and someone just comes up next to me and starts shooting.  Irrational fear... but very possible in this state.

"In the last year alone, the Dan Ryan has seen several multi-vehicle crashes, hit-and-runs, motorcycle collisions, car accidents caused by drive-by shootings, and even crashes involving police cruisers." [theadvocates]

#3: Elgin O’Hare Tollway

I've driven on this stretch of the highway and I'm so glad I've never been a victim of a pileup.  That sounds absolutely horrifying.

"Illinois State Police have seen icy 11-car pileups, deadly hit-and-runs, and simply awful head-on crashes." [theadvocates]

#4: Route 66/55

I will try everything in my power not to drive down this strip.  I've heard wayyyy too many horror stories about collisions and roll-overs.  No thanks!

"From wrong-way car collisions to garbage truck crashes to semi-truck roll-overs to tragic accidents involving family vehicles veering into the Vermillion River, Route 55 is as dangerous as they come." [theadvocates]



Related: This 400+ Mile Road is the Most Dangerous to Travel in Illinois

Luckily, I try not to drive as much as possible to avoid accidents.

One reason I got my two-door Honda?  I knew nobody would want to try and crawl into the backseat so I don't have to be a driver, ever.  Also saves me tons of gas money!

Drive safe!

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