Illinois Couple Chased by Rectangular UFO Then it Zoomed Upward
A couple in Illinois had a strange encounter on a highway a week ago. They noticed something was following them and then witnessed it zooming straight upward into the sky.
I saw this brand new report on the National UFO Reporting Center website that was just shared on October 12, 2024. They said this strange encounter happened when they were driving from Champaign, Illinois toward Indiana. It was near Urbana that they noticed something odd behind them. Here are the exact words of their eyewitness testimony:
"It was hovering then shot up and disappeared. My husband and I were driving from champaign Illinois toward Indiana and my husband said "what is that behind us?" When I turned around I seen a dark gray rectangle hoovering. We looked at it for about 2 minutes and it just stayed in one place then it started to move upward and then disappeared."
The details of the report they submitted show that whatever the object was got within a mile of them and was very large. It appeared at about a 45 degree angle. The entire encounter only lasted a couple of minutes, but was significant enough that they felt like they should submit an official report.
Normally, it's easy to dismiss an incident like this as a mistaken conventional plane or weather detection object or even planet or meteor. In this instance, whatever appeared between Champaign and Urbana, Illinois doesn't match up with any of those things.
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Gallery Credit: Strange and Sinister via YouTube