Illinois School Districts Pony Up More Money As Need for Substitute Teachers Rises
Teaching is a tough yet rewarding gig at any point in life, but during a worldwide pandemic, it's gotta take superhero strength to make it through the additional stresses each day presents. To say I have the utmost respect for teachers is quite an understatement. It takes a special kind of person to be a truly extraordinary teacher, and it breaks my heart that so many teachers are struggling to deal with the constant pressures and changes of this pandemic.
All that being said, learning must go on and school districts throughout Illinois are fighting an often losing battle to have enough staff to man their schools during this pandemic. If you've ever thought about giving the teaching profession a whirl, now is absolutely the time to do it. Substitute teachers are DESPERATELY needed right now, so if you've got what it takes to help shape young minds in the Stateline answer the call and apply!
Several Stateline Area School Districts Are Hiring Substitute Teachers
According to mystateline.com; "A report from the Illinois Association of Regional Superintendents of Schools found that 96% of Illinois schools are reporting a substitute teacher shortage." Yikes!
Rockford Public Schools desperately need substitute teachers for all grades throughout the district, and they have enlisted the help Kelly Education services to help them fill the positions. Kelly Education will be holding two job fairs every month through May 2022 to hire substitutes for RPS 205, but that is the only district they are hiring for. Kelly Education's website also shows listings for subs in Roscoe (Kinnikinnick School District) as well as schools in Belvidere.
Speaking of Belvidere, the Belvidere District 100 school board just approved a raise in pay for substitute teachers effective immediately according to WREX. Starting substitute teachers will now make $115 per day, and that rate is higher if you sub for more than 50 days. Get more information on how to apply for these positions at district100.com.
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