Illinois Residents Who Drank These May Get A Lawsuit Payout
I hadn't really thought about it until learning about the class-action lawsuit, but when you think about how popular hard seltzer and canned cocktails have become, you've got to give credit to Anheuser-Busch for being ahead of the curve.
They introduced Bud Light Lime-A-Rita back in 2012, and followed it up with a whole bunch of different "Ritas." Those beverages have proven to be popular enough to hang around for a decade as of this year.
But...there's a problem.
If You've Drank Any Of Anheuser-Busch's "Ritas" Products (since 2018), You Could Get Some Free Money (even if you don't have proof-of-purchase)
This whole thing got started a couple of years back in 2020. Two years ago, a class-action lawsuit (we've seen plenty of those lately, with Facebook, Snapchat, Google...) was filed, accusing Anheuser-Busch of misleading their customers into thinking that these beverages actually contained spirits or wine.
They don't.
According to the original complaint (hat-tip to St. Louis Business Journal), the lawsuit says consumers have unwittingly bought the company's line of margarita, rosé, mojito and sangria-flavored products believing they contained tequila, wine or rum.
Now That The Lawsuit Has Been Settled, Anheuser-Busch Is Financially Compensating Customers (While Admitting No Wrongdoing)
The bottom line is that these products are basically flavored beers, and not imbued with spirits or wine. The lawsuit posits that the expectation from consumers that there are spirits or wine in the products is not unreasonable considering competing alcohol brands sell similar canned products, such as Jose Cuervo Sparkling Margaritas, that contain other alcohols.
Here's what you do, if you want in on the compensation from Anheuser-Busch:
- Anyone who purchased any Ritas product in the U.S. for personal consumption from January 1st, 2018, to July 19th, 2022 can fill out a claim form until December 16th.
- A total of 112 different Rita-branded products are included in the settlement.
- Consumers with a proof of purchase can claim up to $21.25 per household.
- Without a proof of purchase, a claim can be made for a refund up to $9.75.
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