2 of America’s Most Difficult Colleges to Get Accepted Into Are In Illinois
It's the season where high school seniors are prepping for college and juniors are starting campus visits! With that comes some rejection letters - here are some of the hardest universities in Illinois to get accepted into.
I miss college so much, I'm the type of person who loves to learn. Minus homework, I could sit in class and be totally entertained by new information. I certainly remember the stress of submitting applications, taking my ACT, and choosing the best place for me. It's a long process, and sometimes you pick a school that doesn't pick you. Some schools are nitpicky, including some in our state.
2 of the USA's Hardest Schools to Get Into Are in Illinois for 2024
According to Niche, Illinois is home to two of the most difficult colleges to get into in the entire country. They also graded the school's academics and net price for incoming students. They even go so far as to rate the party scene of each college too, which I thought was absolutely hilarious!
Here are the schools and their stats...
Northwestern University - 633 Clark Street, Evanston, IL 60208
Coming in at #2 in the state of Illinois and #15 in all of America, becoming a Northwestern Wild Cat is something students should be proud of considering the stats.
- Acceptance rate - 7%
- Academics - A+
- Net Price - $29,999
- Party Scene- A-
7% is extremely low considering how many applications are sent out from hopeful students, which makes this university extremely competitive. I studied Journalism/Digital Media/Multimedia, which seems to be a popular major on this campus. On the bright side, they have a pretty awesome graduation rate with a whopping 95%.
RELATED: Illinois and Wisconsin Schools Make List of Worst Colleges in U.S.
So.... what Illinois school is the hardest to get into and one of the most difficult in the country?
University of Chicago- 5801 S Ellis Ave, Chicago IL 60637
Standing at #1 most difficult in Illinois and #13 in the country, the University of Chicago has some pretty high expectations when it comes to its students.
- Acceptance Rate- 6%
- Academics- A+
- Net Price- $33,727
- Party Scene- B

The school sounds like it worked hard to develop a curriculum that promotes strong critical thinking skills, but I'm sure more goes into why they're so selective with admissions. It also sounds like they have passionate, state-of-the-art professors who support students too.
If you're looking for the right school for you, don't forget that it's important for the campus to sell itself to you too! College should be an amazing experience.
Here are some of the highest-ranked colleges of the past to put on your campus visit roaster!
10 Illinois Universities & Colleges Ranked Best In 2022
Gallery Credit: Emily