Full List Of Free Summer Movies At Millennium Park Has Been Released
If you haven't experienced some sort of performance at Millennium Park this summer is the time to do it.
WGN.com - Another sign that summer is almost here! The City of Chicago has revealed what films it will be showing for free at Millennium Park this year. You can catch movies at 6:30 PM on Tuesday nights from June 13 through Sept. 5.
Let's take a look at what's showing.
June 13 - The Blues Brothers - They're starting off with a bang. This is in conjunction with the Chicago Blues Festival which is being held for the first time at Millennium Park. I've probably seen The Blues Brothers 50 times and would love to add a 51st in the heart of the city.
June 20 - Caddyshack - Talk about a one-two punch on back to back weekends. I'm assuming these are unedited which could lead to some interesting talks for families just enjoying a stroll down Michigan Ave. Another movie that would be great in the outdoor setting. Can't hear it clearly enough? No problem, I've got the whole thing memorized.
June 27 - Julie and Julia - I love to cook but this one doesn't really move the needle for me. I'll take this week off.
July 11 - El Norte (Spanish with English subtitles) - Full disclosure, I haven't heard of this one. According to IMDB it's a movie about "Peasants escaping mindless labor and a murderous Guatemalan government head to America in hopes for something better." Doesn't exactly sound like light summer fare. And while I don't automatically throw out a movie with subtitles, not sure I want to read a screen from 100 yards away for 2 hours and 21 minutes. This one gets another pass.
July 18 - La La Land - Here we go! If you haven't seen La La Land yet go do it this way. Great musical numbers and if you miss some dialogue here and there you'll be fine. This one is a hit.
July 25 - Network - If you're unfamiliar with this movie it's the one with the "Mad as hell" scene in it. This one.
Good movie but I'm not sure it will translate to the outdoor setting. See this movie if you haven't but you might want to do it at your house.
August 1 - Bend It Like Beckham - I didn't see this the first time it came around and I probably won't this time either. I think it's a soccer movie. It might be more than that but I don't want to do the research. Pass.
August 8 - Full Moon Double Feature - Ghost and The Shining - Here's something about me. I don't watch scary movies. Don't need them in my life. So The Shining is out. Didn't like Ghost when it came out. I would like to be there just for the pottery wheel scene. Feel like there will be a lot of cat calls during it. That might be fun but I'd leave after that.
August 15 - Hidden Figures - Didn't get to see this when it came out this summer. Heard great things about it. I would be very interested in seeing this outside.
August 22 - Five Heartbeats - Never heard of this. Let's go to IMDB, "The story of the rise and fall of an African American vocal group." Not much to go on here but the soundtrack is probably fantastic. I'm calling this the hidden gem of the season.
August 24 - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 80th Anniversary Family Daytime Screening - This is a special Thursday daytime movie. Do you want to watch a movie in the park with about 500 small children? If yes this is for you.
August 29 - The Princess Bride - It still shocks me that there are actual people out there that haven't seen this movie. Go see this people. EVERYONE likes it. Literally everyone. If I say "As you wish" to you and you have no response I look down on you. Sorry but it's true.
September 5 - Wayne's World - Closing the season with a sentimental favorite of mine. We wore out this VHS when I was in Junior High. I only understood about half of the jokes which made the movie funnier later on when I was a bit more "mature." The Bohemian Rhapsody scene alone makes this a must watch.
There you have it. Hop on the Metra and go see a movie under the Chicago stars some Tuesday night this summer. It's a great venue in an excellent city.