Ever since I was a kid, I've been fascinated by the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World (The Great Pyramid of Giza, Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Statue of Zeus, Temple of Artemis, Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, Colossus of Rhodes, and Pharos (Lighthouse) of Alexandria).

The other day, as I watched the umpteenth YouTube video on the topic, my wife suggested that since I write about Illinois so often, I should look into the idea and see if there are 7 Wonders of Illinois.

At least that's what I was told she said. As a typical husband, I was watching TV and not listening.

The Giza Pyramids are out. (Getty Images)
The Giza Pyramids are out. (Getty Images)
The Illinois Pyramid House in Wadsworth is in. (Getty Images)
The Illinois Pyramid House in Wadsworth is in. (Getty Images)

We May Not Be Ancient Here In Illinois, But We're Old Enough To Have Some Wonders Of Our Own

Maybe we're not ancient throughout the state, but Cahokia Mounds dates all the way back to A.D. 700. If you have a friend or family member that has been around since A.D. 700, it would be fair to call them ancient, I guess.

Anyway, back in 2007, the Illinois Board of Tourism (EnjoyIllinois.com) announced the winners of its new "Seven Wonders of Illinois" promotion, which the public began voting on in February of that year.

The winners, one for each of seven regions, include five nature sites, one temple, and a baseball stadium.

Mile after Magnificent Mile. (Getty Images)
Mile after Magnificent Mile. (Getty Images)

No Matter The Topic, Lists About The Top Anything Always Prompts Some Arguments

When EnjoyIllinois.com got this promotion up and running, they wisely decided that there would be no rules on what "wonders" could be nominated. That might be why Chester, Illinois' Popeye statue was where a few votes went.

Getty Images
Getty Images

Looking at the winners of the 7 Wonders Of Illinois promotion, it sure looks like Illinois' natural wonders were on the minds of many voters.

Here are the things and places that make up the 7 Wonders Of Illinois:

Starved Rock State Park (Northern Region)

(Make sure you check out this piece on the horrifying reason behind Starved Rock's name)

Starved Rock State Park, Getty Images
Starved Rock State Park, Getty Images

Allerton Park and Retreat Center, Monticello (Central Region)


Allerton Park and Retreat Center, Facebook
Allerton Park and Retreat Center, Facebook
Allerton Park and Retreat Center, Facebook
Allerton Park and Retreat Center, Facebook

Black Hawk State Historic Site, Rock Island (Western Region)

Blackhawk State Historic Site, Facebook
Blackhawk State Historic Site, Facebook
Blackhawk State Historic Site, Facebook
Blackhawk State Historic Site, Facebook

Rend Lake, Benton (Southern Region)

Benton/West City Area Chamber of Commerce, Facebook
Benton/West City Area Chamber of Commerce, Facebook

Meeting of the Great Rivers Scenic Byway, Following A 33-Mile Strip Of River Through Alton, Grafton, Hartford And Elsah (Southwest Region)

Rob Lathrop, Facebook
Rob Lathrop, Facebook
Great Rivers & Routes, Facebook
Great Rivers & Routes, Facebook

Wrigley Field (Chicago Region)

Wrigley Field, Getty Images
Wrigley Field, Getty Images
The Friendly Confines. (Getty Images)
The Friendly Confines. (Getty Images)

Baha'i House of Worship, Wilmette (Chicagoland Region)

Getty Images
Getty Images
Getty Images
Getty Images

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