• A dozen fire departments were busy in Monroe, WI working on a structure fire. It happened early this morning at the Badger State Ethanol Plant. The fire started in the duct works, making its way through the building. Officials say no flames were visible, but smoke was seen by first responders. Crews have the situation under control and no injuries have been reported.
  • A University of Illinois at Chicago student has been assaulted in a dorm shower. Authorities say 28-year-old Tavares Humphries faces multiple charges stemming from Monday’s attack. According to officials, other students who live in the dorm heard the attack and were able to keep the man from leaving until police arrived.
  • Construction of the Guilford High School Field House has officially begun. School leaders celebrated it this morning with a ground breaking ceremony. The 56,000-square-foot addition will cost roughly $8.5 million. The project is expected to be completed in the fall.
  • Illinois state officials are giving first time home buyers a little push. It’s called the ‘Welcome Home Illinois Loan Program.’ First time home buyers can get a loan up to $7,500 from the state with an interest rate as low as 3.99 percent on a 30-year fixed mortgage rate. Those who qualify for the program must have income limits up to 140 percent of the area's median income. The home buyer must also have a credit score of at least 640. The program is expected to create about 1,500 full-time jobs and bring in millions of dollars.
  • Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel's plan to cut about half of the city's pension debt would raise property taxes. It would also increase the amount of money city workers contribute to their retirement. The proposal increases property taxes by about $250 million over five years. The plan would also require city employees to eventually contribute 11 percent of their pay to their pension, up from the current 8.5 percent.
  • Voters in Wisconsin are heading to the polls to decide local races in the spring election. Nearly 6,000 candidates running for almost 3,800 offices are on the ballots today. The state Government Accountability Board is predicting voter turnout of 12 percent.
  • The Illinois Department of Transportation and other motorcycle advocates are kicking off their "Gear Up - Ride Smart" campaign. They're urging riders to make sure bikes are in proper condition, use high-visibility clothing and enroll in free motorcycle training classes. They're also reminding motorcyclists to not drink and drive.

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