Abandoned Go-Kart Track In Illinois Has Seen Much Better Days
In Illinois, this abandoned go-kart track has seen much better days.
Big Fan Of Go-Kart Tracks
For as long as I can remember, I have been a big fan of go-kart tracks. My first experience was at the Wisconsin Dells. I know people talk about the waterparks but I think the go-kart track scene is very underrated.
Back then, I was way too young to drive by myself. My dad would go with me to drive and I would just kick back and enjoy the ride. When I was old enough to go alone, then it was on. I could ride all day long.
In middle school. a go-kart track opened a short bike ride away from my parent's house. My friends and I would spend hours there. That is where all our allowance money went. Sometimes, we did not have any money so we just hung out and watched the other drivers in action. I still take advantage of any opportunity to go racing.
Sad Day For Fans Of Go-Karts
Even though go-kart tracks are a very fun activity, it is still a very difficult business to break into. If it is an outside track, the weather affects the whole operation. Inside places just do not have the same feel to them. Unfortunately, many end up closing for good. That is what happened to this one in Illinois.
Abandoned Go-Kart Track In Illinois
Continuing my series on abandoned places in Illinois, while doing some research I found this former go-kart track. It was located in Mt. Vernon, Illinois. Check out this inside look of its current condition with some pictures and video. Spoiler alert, it will make you sad.
Photos Of Abandoned Go-Kart Track In Illinois
Video: Abandoned Mt. Vernon raceway in Mt. Vernon, Illinois, and abandoned go Kart track
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