In 2004, a world famous band made a stop in Chicago and left behind something gross and unexpected.

Bridges Of The Chicago River
Getty Images

It was on August 8, 2004, when Dave Matthews Band's tour bus emptied human waste into the Chicago River... Which just happened to have a tourist cruise ship directly below. Gross!

Is it even possible to imagine the moment when you become covered with poo, urine, and who knows what else? One of the people on the ship described the moment to Chicago Tribune.

"Passengers on the tour boat, Chicago's Little Lady, described a downpour of foul-smelling, brownish-yellow slurry that ruined their clothes and made several of them sick."

The bus driver of DMB's bus ended up being fined and put on probation - and the band donated a bunch money to Chicago's Park District in hopes of burying the hatchet. Nobody but the people on that ferry can speak for themselves, but I'd bet many wouldn't be attending a DMB concert or downloading any DMB music in the foreseeable future.

Here's an attempt at a comedic "report" on the crappy event.

Catch JB Love on ‘Q98.5 Mornings with Lil Zim & JB’ on Q98.5 from 5:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. Follow him on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

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