identity theft

How Vulnerable Are Illinoisans to Identity Theft and Fraud?
How Vulnerable Are Illinoisans to Identity Theft and Fraud?
How Vulnerable Are Illinoisans to Identity Theft and Fraud?
December begins National Identity Theft Prevention and Awareness Month, and those of us who live in Illinois should pay close attention to the warnings and cautions that we'll be hearing about throughout the holiday season. Why? Because Illinois is ranked #2 overall out of 50 states for identity theft, and #38 when it comes to identity fraud.
Customer Confronts Barista Over Stolen Card
Customer Confronts Barista Over Stolen Card
Customer Confronts Barista Over Stolen Card
It's not like we haven't been warned. We've all seen the public service announcements about credit card theft, identity theft, and other ways that some have discovered to separate us from our hard-earned money. We've been warned, but how do you go about stopping it from happening...