
Golfer Alert! Most Area Courses Close After This Tuesday
Golfer Alert! Most Area Courses Close After This Tuesday
Golfer Alert! Most Area Courses Close After This Tuesday
I enjoy golf, and I try to get out to play at least 3 times per season, schedule permitting. My late father, however, lived for golf and would play 3 times in a day, every day, if my mom would have agreed to it. He had to make due with 6 times per week. He always said that the saddest day of the year (not including April 15th) was when the golf courses shut down for the winter.
Cherryvale Mall Says: "#Make Thanksgiving Yours"
Cherryvale Mall Says: "#Make Thanksgiving Yours"
Cherryvale Mall Says: "#Make Thanksgiving Yours"
Over the last number of years, there has been a great weeping and gnashing of teeth over retailers that have decided to open their doors on Thanksgiving. To be fair, there are lots of folks who like the idea of getting a head start on their "Black Friday" shopping, but the voices shouting about greed, and others, lamenting the fact that employees have to leave their families on a holiday