
Do You Speak with a Rockford Accent Pt. 2
Do You Speak with a Rockford Accent Pt. 2
Do You Speak with a Rockford Accent Pt. 2
Yesterday in this space, I asked if you speak with a Rockford accent (click here if you missed it). I gave you a bunch of examples of the way we here in Rockford tend to pronounce things. We like to think of ourselves as accent-less folk, but according to the results of a study a few years ago by Harvard University, we're wrong...
Do You Speak with a Rockford Accent?
Do You Speak with a Rockford Accent?
Do You Speak with a Rockford Accent?
You're probably thinking, "I don't have an accent. I'm from Rockford, Illinois, and we don't have accents here." I used to think the same thing, but it turns out, we couldn't be more wrong. We do have an accent (or dialect) here in Rockford, and as it turns out, so does our state ...
Southern Man Responds to “Accent Criticism”
Southern Man Responds to “Accent Criticism”
Southern Man Responds to “Accent Criticism”
I can see how being told that your accent "proves that you're not very intelligent" could be a bit annoying. Not being a southerner, I've never been told that my accent demonstrates stupidity (things I've said, yes), but I've heard others say it about those who prefer "y'all" to "you all...