What's going on?

Is It Cicada Time? Some Chicago Burbs Reporting Early Emergence
Is It Cicada Time? Some Chicago Burbs Reporting Early Emergence
Is It Cicada Time? Some Chicago Burbs Reporting Early Emergence
According to the cicada experts we've been hearing so much from lately, we're anywhere from 2-3 weeks away from the coming historical cicada emergence (or, cicada-geddon). Maybe someone should tell that to the cicadas that are reportedly already popping out of the ground in various spots throughout Illinois.
Illinois Is Working To Ban Skittles And Mountain Dew--Here's Why
Illinois Is Working To Ban Skittles And Mountain Dew--Here's Why
Illinois Is Working To Ban Skittles And Mountain Dew--Here's Why
Did you know that there's an extensive list of food and drink products that Americans consume but that are banned in other countries? If some current legislation in Springfield finds its way to the governor's desk for signature, many of those very same foods banned elsewhere would also be banned here in the state of Illinois.
Illinois Gets A Good Look At The Lyrid Meteor Shower This Weekend
Illinois Gets A Good Look At The Lyrid Meteor Shower This Weekend
Illinois Gets A Good Look At The Lyrid Meteor Shower This Weekend
In the course of a single week, Illinois sky-watchers get a look at a solar eclipse, the Devil Comet, and the Lyrid Meteor Showers. One of those, the eclipse, has already happened, but this weekend you may see both the Devil Comet and the Lyrids all from the comfort of your backyard or favorite viewing spot.
The Best Mexican Food In Illinois? Foodie Website Says Go Here
The Best Mexican Food In Illinois? Foodie Website Says Go Here
The Best Mexican Food In Illinois? Foodie Website Says Go Here
It's nice to know that we have no shortage of really great restaurants in Illinois, no matter what type of cuisine you're looking for. If your goal is to hit every food joint that receives a "best in the state" rating from foodie websites, then you have to hit this place for what one site called the very best Mexican food in Illinois.
Cicadas Are Coming, And These Household Items Attract Even More
Cicadas Are Coming, And These Household Items Attract Even More
Cicadas Are Coming, And These Household Items Attract Even More
The coming historical cicada emergence is going to happen, and according to everything I've read, there's very little you can do to stop your yard from being filled with them. There's really nothing you can do to keep them away, including using pesticides, but did you know that by using some everyday household items you can accidently attract even more of them (not that anyone would want to do that)?
Forget Cicadas: Why Is Illinois Crawling With Wild Turkeys?
Forget Cicadas: Why Is Illinois Crawling With Wild Turkeys?
Forget Cicadas: Why Is Illinois Crawling With Wild Turkeys?
I know we're supposed to be planning for an invasion of several billion, if not a trillion, cicadas in the next few weeks, but there are other invaders who are already making themselves known all over the state. These particular invaders seem pretty cocky with Thanksgiving seven long months from now.

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