John Gregory -- Illinois Radio Network

Predictions about what Gov. Bruce Rauner will propose in today’s budget address can be summed up with one word: pain.

Senate Minority Leader Christine Radogno (R-Lemont) says cuts are expected by lawmakers on both sides, though the proposed budget will almost certainly change before it’s passed.

“Just about everything is going to cause someone to wince,” Radogno said. “There’s no question this budget is going to be a very lean one, but remember, it’s the starting gun, not the checkered flag.”

That means negotiating with plenty of Democratic lawmakers who may not be pleased with Rauner’s recent executive orders regarding labor unions. State Rep. Jack Franks (D-Marengo) doesn’t think the atmosphere in Springfield has to get confrontational.

“You work with him when you can, and you can fight with him on things which you can’t. That’s how government works,” Franks said. “You don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.”

Rauner is set to deliver his address at noon today at the Capitol.

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