We've talked a whole lot on the show about the Governor's troubled anti-violence program, called the Neighborhood Recovery Initiative. Ostensibly the effort was designed to help combat the violence problem in Chicago and Cook County, but it more and more appears that it was $55 million in slush fund dollars to help the Governor win re-election.

Recently, Governor Quinn has said he won't testify about his role in the program. He previously blamed the recipients of the grants for the problems with the NRI.

We had the opportunity on today's show to talk with State Senator Matt Murphy, who been following the investigation closely and was among the first to point out problems with the NRI, some 18 months before the Governor took any action. He says the investigation is not over yet, but what we know so far doesn't look good:

We learn something new just about every week on this [NRI]. This issue isn't going away. This program was set up with, I believe, dishonest intentions. At a minimum it is gross incompetence on a scale that should not be tolerated by people who live here. I suspect it might be even worse than that. That it was an intentional use of taxpayer money really to affect a political election.

Here's our full interview with State Senator Matt Murphy:

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