You Can Furnish Your House By Garbage Picking In Rockford
By garbage picking in Rockford, you could furnish your house.
Being Outside
With the weather getting better, I have been spending more time outside. It is really refreshing. I take walks in the neighborhood. I will also sit on my front porch.
I feel more in touch with my street when I am out. I notice a lot more things going on. It is kind of nice. Then I can share some of those experiences with you.
One of the things I have noticed in my subdivision is that garbage day is a big deal. Some of my neighbors put out a lot of stuff every week.
There are also several scrappers that cruise the area for treasures. I have seen some trucks filled to the top with their finds.
If you put something good out on the curb it usually does not last long. My family and I like to time how fast the items get picked up. I think most of us have done a little garbage picking at some point.
The statement is true, "one man's trash is another man's treasure."
What Is On The Curb
A couple of weeks ago, I put out a couple of bedroom dressers. They were picked up almost immediately.
There was nothing wrong with them, we just got new ones. They were big so I did not have a vehicle to take them somewhere to donate. I did not want to mess with Craigslist or something like that.
It is much easier to just set them out on the curb. There is a good chance someone will see it and grab them.
You Could Furnish A House
The neighborhood around the radio has its garbage pick-up on Mondays. On my street, it is on Tuesdays. That gives me the opportunity to get a good look at what people are throwing away. Especially now, that the sunrise is earlier.
I started noticing that residents put out a lot of furniture. In fact, I think you could almost furnish your house by doing some creative garbage picking.
I understand this is not for everyone but just use your imagination for a couple of minutes. Forget about cleanliness and let's pretend there is a magical way to disinfect the items you find.
I am telling you this could be a fun little adventure. I have seriously noticed some interesting things.
For your living room
- Couches
- Coffee tables
- Lamps
- Recliners
- TVs
For your bathroom
- Toilets
- Sinks
- Tubs
- Vanities
For your kitchen
- Tables
- Chairs
- Refrigerators
- Dishwashers
- Ovens
- Cabinets
For your bedroom
- Beds
- Dressers
- Nightstands
For the children
- Cribs
- High chairs
- Toys
Think about it. That is a lot of items you could use in your home. I am just naming things off the top of my head.
I wanted to take some photos to share but I did not want to make anyone in the neighborhood angry at me.
I know it isn't realistic but I am having fun just using my imagination to picture the situation.
Have you ever found something good on the curb?
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