Think of what's going on with cicadas just to the east of the Rockford area as a sort of precursor to what we're going to be going through in three short years.
In my house, being the husband and father also got me another title: chief bug killer. If it crawls, flies, creeps, lurks, slithers, and/or stings, I'm your go-to executioner and disposal expert. Granted, we don't have much of an insect problem here in the Rockford area, so I'd rather be here than in Havana, Illinois.
Tuesday night was not a good night to be outside for a stroll (or any other reason) in Gilbert Arizona. Thousands of bees swarmed a neighborhood there, stinging anyone and anything that they encountered, including a firefighter who took 40-50 stings after the bees got inside his protective clothing (I'm thinking this guy is due a refund at the very least):
That's a pretty bad situation, but it pal