If you've lived in this area for any length of time, you're probably aware that we're in the midst of deer mating season, a time of year when car-versus-deer incidents really go up.
I've never talked to anyone who didn't love the taste of a deep-fried turkey. However, many people refuse to even try doing it for fear of burning their house down.
We're inching ever closer to that time of year when Illinoisans start having more and more up close and personal meetings with our local deer population. Those encounters almost always go poorly for the deer, and often go badly for the driver, too. How likely are you to suffer deer-related damage to your vehicle here in Illinois?
I can agree with those who claim that fried turkey is the absolute best way to serve it. I don't need convincing, I've tasted it, and you turkey fryers are right, it's awesome. However, having said that, I also have to admit that the idea of frying my own Thanksgiving Day bird...
Jim Anderson -- Illinois Radio Network
State Farm is planning to use unmanned aircraft to examine insurance claims.
State Farm says it's the first insurance company to receive an FAA permit to use drones.
"Whenever there's a big catastrophe, or a big storm is another way to put it, we'll be able to use these devices to go up and inspect roofs...