What's your idea of fun? Your answer will likely determine whether you agree with a new ranking which claims Illinois is one of the most fun states - again.
I didn't realize that Wisconsin had such a laid back place because I was probably too busy "chilling". My kids tell me to stop using that word, by the way, since they say it's not common anymore. My point is that a new ranking says the 2nd most laid back place in America is in Wisconsin. Who knew?
If you want to experience all the good parts of a fishing trip, like the fresh air, connection with nature, and family time, without all the bad stuff, like sleeping outside, and dirty toilets, Sankoty Lakes in central Illinois is definitely for you.
The definition of fun is different, depending on who you're talking to. For some, fun is lights, loud music, and partying. For others, it's a binge marathon of true crime/serial killer shows on Discovery Plus. For one of my neighbors, it's ordering kids, dogs, and leaves off of his lawn.
We've said it before, and it will be said many more times: "Illinois is too hard on itself." To be fair, many times we're hard on ourselves for good reasons--high property taxes, ineffective state government, massive pension debts, crime, corruption, to name just a few. But even with those negatives, it seems that Illinois is still fun. And, a lot more fun than many other states.
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