
Hockey Players Are The Best With GoPros
Hockey Players Are The Best With GoPros
Hockey Players Are The Best With GoPros
For those of us old enough to remember when TV wasn't high-definition, I think most would agree that one of the best things to ever happen to professional hockey is the awesome clarity of hi-def. Unlike when I was a kid, when it was difficult at times to find the puck (assuming you were lucky enough to find a game on TV to begin with), with today's TVs you can not only find it, but you can see it
Adults Behaving Badly Over Hockey Stick
Adults Behaving Badly Over Hockey Stick
Adults Behaving Badly Over Hockey Stick
Seeing this video reminded me of a 1980s-era public service announcement. You might remember the one where the dad catches his son with some marijuana and asks him where he learned "how to do this stuff." The kid shouts back, "I learned from you...