Uncover the comedy behind the harmless lies moms tell in a delightful article exploring the lasting impact of childhood fibs as the author recounts mom tales.
My parents were hopelessly old-fashioned, it seems. I mean, when they went to Hawaii when I was a kid, they dropped me off for a week of cookies and soap operas with my grandparents. When they took a trip to Ireland, it was the same story again. Off to grandma's house. I guess a Johnston, Iowa mom thought that was one step too many for her.
So, your son went off to college well over a month ago, and you haven't gotten a single phone call from him. What's a mom to do? My mom would probably have shown up at my dorm room with a wooden spoon in her hand. Assuming I lived to tell the tale, I would have gotten the message loud and painfully clear...
This video is rocketing around the internet this morning. In the midst of protests and riots in Baltimore, one mom is making news for a bit a violence against her son.
ABC 2 reports that she apparently saw her son throwing rocks at police on television...
So, you've been gone for a couple of years, and you decide to stop home to surprise your mom. She thinks you're on the other side of the globe, so you expect she'll react with surprise and delight. This mom certainly does...and then some.
This was as close to a "I'm-so-happy-someone-better-call-an-ambulance" moment as you're likely to get...
For every horrible story we hear about a parent going over the edge (the recent mom-drives-van-with-children-into-the-ocean story comes to mind), there are hundreds and hundreds of stories each year involving moms and dads who, without hesitation, throw themselves in harm's way to protect their offspring...