One resort owner said this is the worst winter they have ever had. Many businesses have had to make labor reductions, layoffs, and some have gone out of business.
On my personal list of "things I've done but never want to do again," going ice-fishing is right near the top. It's right next to diaper-changing and eating haggis (although, those two things are remarkably similar).
Up until seeing this, the most shocking thing about ice fishing would be finding me doing it.
Don't get me wrong, I've got nothing against ice fishing. Other than the idea of actually taking part. I'm more of a sit on a boat/dock/chair while drinking beer kind of fisherman, and to be very honest, other than the beer drinking part, I'm not that great at it...
I've never been ice fishing. I was invited once, but unfortunately (at least that's what I told my fishing friend), I couldn't make it.
See, I was under the impression you just sat around in a shack on a frozen lake, staring at each other and drinking lots of beers...