Of course, the answer to that question is obviously "too many." This sort of tragedy is completely avoidable, and should never, ever happen. Not even once. But it has, and it still does.
Of course, the answer to that question is obviously "too many." This sort of tragedy is completely avoidable, and should never, ever happen. Not even once.
The reason I ask is because I got a call the other day from an author who's promoting his latest book. He wondered if I had gotten a copy of the book that he had sent to me at the radio station here in Rockford. When I said that I hadn't, he told me it must have gone to the wrong Rockford.
In case you weren't paying attention yesterday morning, Thursday was Groundhog Day, the one day a year that we Americans come to our senses, stop paying attention to computers, forecasts, and maps, and let a sleepy, harassed rodent tell us how to dress for the next 6 weeks.
So, you meet someone who asks where you're from, and you answer "Rockford." The person you're meeting then asks you "Which one?" And you say..."Is there more than one?" Yes, as a matter of fact there is more than one Rockford here in the U.S. There are at least 20.