
USDA Warns Missouri to Watch Out for Vile Fruit-Killing Fly
USDA Warns Missouri to Watch Out for Vile Fruit-Killing Fly
USDA Warns Missouri to Watch Out for Vile Fruit-Killing Fly
The bad news is this infamous fruit-killing fly has been reported in America already this year. The good news is it hasn't been confirmed in Missouri, yet. But, the USDA is warning everyone to watch out for signs that this pest might be causing damage to the state's fruit.
Smelly Fruit is Now Available!
Smelly Fruit is Now Available!
Smelly Fruit is Now Available!
I know what you're saying. "Hey, I love fruit, but the only fruit I can find actually smells good. Where, oh where can I get some fruit that just stinks?" Had you asked me that yesterday, I would have shaken my head sadly and wondered what was truly wrong with you...