If you thought it was windy Thursday, boy, were you right. But it makes sense, seeing as one Minnesota city was just named one of the Windiest Cities in the entire country.
Depending on where you live, or where you were yesterday evening, you got to experience 10-15 minutes of some rather intense hail. My on-air partner, Joe Dredge, and his sister got the complete "I hope my windshield doesn't shatter" treatment, complete with dents on the car.
The photo above shows a rainbow in the sky above the Isle of Mull, the second largest island of the Inner Hebrides (after Skye), off the west coast of Scotland. Looks pretty nice, doesn't it?
Don't let the photo fool you. The Isle of Mull, along with the rest of Scotland, is getting slammed by 70-80 mph winds (with gusts above 90) courtesy of Storm Henry...