A lot of homes have guard dogs. I found one home in the Midwest that doesn't need one. It has a guard duck named Angus and no one passes unless Angus approves and Angus never approves.
If you're not from Missouri or Illinois, you need to understand that we do things a little differently around here. One prime example happened when some Illinois duck hunters saw a tornado nearby and decided to take selfies with it. Yes, I can prove this happened.
Video of a family of ducks crossing a busy Minnesota highway has gone viral over the past few days. But experts say the drivers trying to save the animals actually were doing the wrong thing.
First, here's a portion of the video, captured by state DOT cameras along I-35W in Minnesota:
You'll notice a whole lot of brake slamming and swerving to try to avoid hitting the ducks...
Hey, it's a two-fer Thursday, video style.
First, Scot and I spend a certain amount of time each week on the topic of food. Our favorites, least favorites, food in the news, competitive eating, etc. We've often heard that politics is like sausage...