The Egyptian Theatre in Illinois is a renowned spot for ghost sightings, and this haunted tour allows thrill seekers to explore the eerie theater in the dark.
This week's Hometown Hero is a retired teacher from DeKalb, Illinois who still spends her days helping others and making a difference in her community.
I don't know about you, but Thursday's temperature of 33 degrees made it feel to me like we'd hit the first day of Spring. Especially since many of us were shocked by the crazy cold temperatures we got on Wednesday.
I've done a few of these "really nice houses in Illinois" posts and this one in DeKalb has to be the nicest one under a million dollars I've ever seen.
Sure, lots of states take their lumps in the court of public opinion, and maybe it's just because we live here, but Illinois seems to take a few more shots than most any other state.