If you are looking to buy a Christmas Tree this holiday season then you need to check out these 4 places in Illinois that Yelp claims are 4 of the 25 best tree farms in the entire US, here are the details...
While the shortages of electronics, toys, and other holiday gifts have captured shoppers’ attention, even Christmas trees aren’t safe from this year’s shortages...or are they?
In the interests of full disclosure, I must tell you that we have an artificial (or phony, as my two brats...I mean wonderful kids) Christmas tree at our house. And, it's things like this that make me glad we do.
Before my family made the switch to an artificial tree a few years back, we always took advantage of Keep Northern Illinois Beautiful's (KNIB) drop-off spots.
A number of years ago, much to the dismay of our kids, Amy and I made the decision to switch from live Christmas trees to an artificial tree. We were tired of the needles and the mess that came along with a live tree, and since neither one of them ever lifted even a finger to help with clean-up and/or removal, we made the move and have never looked back. At the end of the season, our tree is dis-a