You'll Never Believe Why IL Teen Was Arrested On April Fool's DayYou'll Never Believe Why IL Teen Was Arrested On April Fool's DayUnless you have a well-planned harmless joke to pull off on April Fool's Day, I suggest avoiding any possible pranks.Double TDouble T
Wisconsin City Has Unique Way To Celebrate April Fool's DayWisconsin City Has Unique Way To Celebrate April Fool's DayIf you're not a fan of April Fool's Day, then you might want to head up to Wisconsin for this very different way to celebrate the holiday.Double TDouble T
Culver’s April Fool’s Joke Burger Is Going On Their MenuCulver’s April Fool’s Joke Burger Is Going On Their MenuCulver's joked about a cheese-curd centered offering on April 1st of this year (April Fool's Day), but apparently enough people reached out to them saying they'd try it that Culver's is actually going to add it to their menu. For one day.Riley O'NeilRiley O'Neil