What's going on?

Illinois Man Robbed At Home By Men Posing As Uber-Eats Driver
This sort of thing happens far more than most of us realize, and can happen literally anywhere. Here's what happened, and how you can avoid it happening to you.

500K Electric Ranges Recalled In Illinois And Across The Country
Some product recalls are more attention-getting than others, and I'm thinking that the recall of half a million electric ranges that have been responsible for multiple home fires across the nation qualifies as very attention-getting. Here's what to look for, and what to do if you find it.

Here’s How Many Guns TSA Found In Illinois Airports In 2024
It's pretty mind-blowing that, even knowing that the chances of getting caught approach 100 percent, you've still got people showing up at the airport with a loaded gun in their luggage or on their person.

New Illinois Flag, Or No? You Can Vote Now Until Mid-February
The finalists of the flag design contest for a potential new Illinois flag have been named and added to the Illinois Secretary of State's website. Now it's your turn to weigh in on whether you think any of them should replace our state's current flag. Once that's done, Illinois lawmakers will decide to bring in the new flag or stick with the old one.

Illinois Tax Season 2025: Rockford BBB Warns Of These Tax Scams
Tax season in Illinois and elsewhere officially begins this coming Monday, January 27th, and the tax deadline this year is on the traditional date of April 15th. In between those two dates, con artists will
employ all sorts of schemes in the coming weeks to steal your money, personal identity information, and peace of mind.

Broccoli Recalled In Illinois Due To Potentially Deadly Listeria
The ongoing recall of broccoli that was sold at Illinois Walmart locations has been upgraded to a class-1 recall. A class-1 recall means that the recall involves a health-hazard situation that will cause health problems and even death. Time to thoroughly check the fridge.

The Parade Of Planets: Illinois’ Best Chance To View Them Is Now
If you're someone who enjoys sky-watching when there's something worth looking up for, you'll definitely want to check the skies over Illinois over the next couple of weeks. An alignment of planets, also known as the Parade of Planets, is going to be very visible with clear night skies.