The coyote population in Illinois will be increasing significantly soon, so what legal options do we have if they become a nuisance or danger for our families?

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Illinois Coyote Problems

In the last month, Illinois has seen a few newsworthy coyote problems.

There was the coyote in a Chicago area Aldi...

There was the United Airlines jet that struck a coyote during takeoff at O'Hare International Airport, and there was this heartbreaking story about 4 teens who stomped a coyote pup to death in one Chicago suburb...



I am a HUGE animal lover, and my heart breaks whenever I see or hear about an animal being treated mistreated, and that last one sickened me to the core!

All that being said, with coyote mating season happening now through early March in Illinois and baby coyotes arriving in April and May, coyote numbers will be increasing greatly in the months ahead. If these animals become a problem in our neighborhoods, what options do we have to help control them?

Taxidermied howling coyote, sepia toned and grunged for effect.

Is It Illegal to Hunt Coyotes in Illinois?

Due to my huge love for animals, I can't bring myself to hunt, but I have no issues with people who do. I also know that when coyotes become a big problem for your family, something needs to be done.

Some preventative measures you can take to keep coyotes out of your yard are:

  • Put up a fence that is at least 4 feet high.
  • Keep your garbage cans stored securely.
  • Feed your pets indoors and don't let the roam loosely.
  • Use squirrel-proof bird feeders. Coyotes usually eat mice, squirrels and other small rodents, so do your best not to attract their prey.

Here are some legal options you have for dealing with problem coyotes according to;

In Illinois, coyotes are managed as a furbearer which requires a hunting or trapping license to harvest a coyote. Another option for problem coyotes in urban areas is a nuisance wildlife PERMIT, issued by an Illinois Department of Natural Resources district wildlife biologist. The third option is to hire a licensed nuisance wildlife control operator who has the appropriate permit and experience to deal with nuisance wildlife.

Need more information about coyote populations in Illinois? is a great place to start!

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The 2024 Nikon Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards reveal the hilarious side of nature, with a flailing squirrel taking the top prize and plenty of giggles along the way. Keep scrolling for the wildly hysterical (and maybe a bit cute) photos.

Gallery Credit: Stephen Lenz

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