Illinois Parents, How Cold Is Too Cold for Kids Outdoors?
We all know frostbite can occur within 30 minutes when temps fall below five degrees, but if the kids are bundled up from head to toe, when is it too cold for kids to play outside?
How Cold is Too Cold to Play Outside?
Obviously, when to allow kids to go play outside is up to every parent's discretion, but right now I'm dealing with a specific outdoor play situation at home.
Long story short, my daughters are pretty disappointed about the lack of snow Northern Illinois has seen so far this winter. So, when it finally snowed a little this week they were out of their minds excited to go out and play in it...but it is so stinkin' cold right now.
Is the cold Illinois is currently experiencing too cold for kids to play outside in? Will letting them go play outside be ushering in another round of sickness?
I know worrying about this probably sounds ridiculous to other parents, but I'm seriously curious...how cold do health officials say is too cold to play outside in?
Cold Weather Safety For Children
During the winter my kids' schools do not let them go outside for recess if temps are below 22 degrees. Is this the norm for Illinois and schools all across the country?
When it comes to cold weather safety for children, here is what the CDC has to say according to an article from ETSUHealth;
The CDC recommends not to let your children play outside in temperatures below 20 degrees Fahrenheit.
Hmmm. As I sit here writing this before I go pick my kids up from school it is about 18 degrees. Should I break my kids' hearts and tell them it's too cold for them to play in the snow after school? Nope. I don't have the heart to say no after they have waited so long to go sledding so...I'll just bundle them up in multiple layers instead.
Cold Weather Safety Tips for Kids
If you too will be allowing your kids to play outside in this cold weather, here are some important things to remember according to the CDC;
- Make sure the gloves and boots your kids will be outside playing in are waterproof and fit properly.
- Make sure your kids take multiple breaks from outdoor play to come inside and warm up.
- If kids want their hands to warm up quickly after coming indoors, run LUKEWARM water over them...never hot.
Now get that hot chocolate ready and go have some fun!