Can You Guess The Most Popular Car Colors In Illinois?
Cars come in so many different colors but can you guess the most popular ones in Illinois?
Did You Ever Play The Car Color Game?
When my daughter was little, she like to sit on our front porch at watch the cars drive by. We live on a fairly busy street so there was plenty to check out. She would bring out a pen and paper to keep track of the colors. I wish that I could remember which ones came by the most.
Myths About Car Colors
When I started driving and dreaming of buying my own car someday, I would constantly think about what kind I could purchase. Of course, color was a big part of the decision. I remember adults telling me to avoid red because those attracted speeding tickets. White and black vehicles always looked dirty. I think there was an excuse not to buy basically any color.
What are The Most Popular Car Colors In Illinois?
Do you think you could guess what the most popular car colors are in Illinois?
According to,
When it comes to Illinois as a whole, the most popular car color is also black. The most popular non-grayscale color — which includes black, white, gray and silver — is blue in Illinois.
In Illinois, 25.2% of cars are black. When it comes to top non-grayscale colors it's blue with 9.9%
If you look at the states with the most colorful cars, Illinois sits at number twenty-eight with 22% of the vehicles.
For more information about the most popular car colors, HERE.