Scams are becoming bigger and bigger in Illinois so you have to be extra careful and if something doesn't seem like it's right make sure you double-check so you don't get tricked out of losing money or items.

Illinois Car Thieves Are Using Tow Trucks In Their New Scams

Crime is a serious problem in our state. Let's be honest, it's bad everywhere but Illinois seems to have been hit very hard. Thieves are coming up with new ways every day to scam you out of cash and merchandise.

READ MORE: Holiday Scam Alert In Illinois

I believe technology has made it much worse. Criminals no longer have to go out and physically commit the crime. They can just sit behind a keyboard or be on a device to pull off a big robbery. It's pretty scary to think about.

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Also, the suspects get braver all the time, especially when they can hide behind the internet. It doesn't make them feel as guilty if they don't actually look the people in their eyes. For the victims, it makes it harder to prevent. Here's the latest.


A resident is involved in a car accident. They call the police to report the wreck. The suspect looks at the public record. They reach out to the victim pretending to be the insurance company and tell them they will send a tow truck so the vehicle can be fixed.

When the victim tries to get an update on their car, the body shop has no idea about that vehicle because they were never contacted. The scammer sent their own tow truck and stole it. This towing company has been involved in many situations like this one. It's adding insult to injury to the poor accident victim.


The Most Bizarre Items Ever Stolen From Illinois Residents

My mom once told me that "people will steal anything that's not nailed down." Times certainly have changed since then. The thieves now have nail removers.

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